University Championship Golf in Madrid, Spain

The Madrid Golf Federation together with Madrid Tourist Board and San Pablo University organize this golf event

Golf Booking Madrid

The Championship will be held in the Club of Golf Retamares on 7th of March in 2016.

The Federation of Golf from Madrid together with the Comunity of Madrid and the University CEU San Pablo organize that Championship.

Players with valid federation license and handicap (on or off) authorized by any of the Universities of Madrid may participate. They could register a maximum of 8 males and 5 female categories for university.

The number of players will be 65 (41 male category and 24 in female category). If it was necessary to cut initially be admitted as participants the male player and the female player with the best handicap of each university. You can visit the event if you are playing golf in Madrid.

The place availability will be completed by order of handicap (from low to high handicap) of those enrolled in a timely form.  Will be taken into account the exact handicap contained in the database RFEG at close of entries.

Casino de Retamares

In case that the number of players (male and female) registered will not reach the maximum planned, the remaining amount will be covered by players of the opposite gender.

With the registered players and not accepted will made a waiting list by order of handicap to cover potential losses. Such casualties should contact at least 48 hours in advance.

The game way in that Championship 18-hole stroke play will be played, establishing the following competitions:

– Male individualized

– Female individualized

– Teams (Total of the best scratch card male players of the team and the best scratch card players of the team).

The prizes in the classification by teams will be there prizes for the three first ranked teams.

In the individual classification will be there prizes for the three first ranked scratch and the three first ranked by hándicap such as male or female.

These prizes may not be added together and the gross award prevail.

The prize will be presented (handed over) in the Official Cast Awards along with the rest of university sports.

Golf Booking Madrid

About the players interested in participating in the Championship may register for the service

The University sports until 14:00 h, the 1st of March inclusive

The registration fee will be free.

The last University Championship was held in Antequera Golf. The winners were Rafael Culla from Valencia and Silvia Banon from Alicante.

About teams San Pablo CEU University won with authority today after signing its members Jaime Benito and Silvia Bañón- paths laps 75 and 76 strokes for a final cumulative 461. Second – ended Pompeu Fabra University, represented by Gonzalo Acha and Marta Trillo, with a total of 503 cumulative impacts.

As for the medals in women’s handicap category, Ana Bondía from Valencia won the gold medal with 235 strokes net, while the second place with 237, was for Ana Armengou, federated by the Club Zaudín from Seville. Finally, the player from Almerimar Golf, Maria Parrón, won the bronze medal with 240 strokes net which was held over three days in the Malaga area of Antequera Golf.